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As the counselor at Dawson County Junior High School, I provide services for students, parents, teachers and school staff to develop the many areas of a student's needs, including his/her personal, social, and educational development. 

The Counseling Department is a service that is provided to all students and parents and helps to ensure that they acquire and demonstrate the knowledge, attitudes, and skills needed in educational planning, career development, and personal/social development in preparation for meaningful participation in a complex, changing world. 

Please feel free to contact me with your questions or if I can be of assistance. 

Mrs. Becca Wilson
DCJH Counselor  
706-216-5801 Ext 1853

About Me

Mrs. Kaytie Swofford
DCJH Counselor
706-216-5801 Ext. 1881

Student Services




Focus groups meet weekly and study character education, career awareness, high school planning, post secondary education, study skills, and community service.



Student of the Month


Each month students are nominated and selected by faculty members for their leadership abilities both in and out of the classroom. A boy and a girl are selected from each grade level and honored at a luncheon. The students will have their picture taken which will be sent to the local newspapers and posted in the front hall of the school.


Learning Styles


Each DCJH student takes a learning style inventory that gives teachers valuable information about individual learning styles. 




This issue is addressed through classroom guidance lessons presented by NOA, No One Alone. Students will also view current, award winning educational DVDs that address bullying. Please feel free to contact me at any time if you have concerns or questions in regard to bullying. Helpful websites are also listed below that address bullying.

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